Gallery 1Western Galleries : Casual dresses- Formal dresses-

Gallery 2 : Opera Coat-Gold brocade coat -

Gallery3 : Shawls- capes - Scarves

Gallery 4 hats -

Gallery 5 : Mirrors of the past



Condition : excellent, almost new-Great Style Guaranteed

Washing: easily, in cold water and soap-

Best offer secures:

Minimum :45-00-00 usd each

Set of 2 = 65-00 usd

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For closer view --> zoom--> click on image


For closer view --> zoom--> click on image

For closer view --> zoom--> click on image

Email your queries

Gallery 1 : Casual dresses- Formal dresses-

Gallery 2 : Opera Coat-Gold brocade coat -

Gallery3 : Shawls- capes - Scarves-

Gallery 4 hats -

Gallery 5 : Mirrors of the past

Gallery 6 : Blouses , sweaters and tops


Site created and maintained by Rahman,brigitte arlette-Sole Owner of THE FRENCH NATURAL COMPANY 1995-2001 ---- and any affiliated personal sites.

All rights reserved.